Student Life

俱乐部 & Organizations

俱乐部 at Bishop Ireton

Students at Bishop Ireton are encouraged to balance their academic work with extracurricular activities. A Club Fair is held annually during the first week of school that allows students to learn more about each club. With dozens of active clubs at Bishop Ireton, students have a multitude of opportunities "to be who they are and be that well."

List of 8 items.

  • Academic & Honor Societies

    • National Honor Society 
    • Chinese National Honor Society
    • Computer Science Honor Society
    • English Honor Society
    • French Honor Society
    • International Thespian Society
    • Mu Alpha Theta National Math Honor Society 
    • National Art Honor Society
    • Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
    • Spanish Honor Society
    • Science National Honor Society
    • Tri-M 音乐 Honor Society
  • Cultural 俱乐部

    • African Heritage Club
    • Asian Heritage Club
    • Black, Indigenous and People of Color Student Union (BIPOC SU)
    • Hispanic Heritage Club
    • Middle Eastern Culture Club
      • Fine Arts

        • Art Club
        • Dance Club
        • Drama Club
        • Piano Club
        • Scenic Art Club
      • Leadership

        • BI Women’s Club
        • BI Young Mentors
        • Debate Club
        • Human Rights Club
        • Mock Trial
        • Model United Nations
        • Student Council Association
      • Publications

        • Cambridge Road
          • Read the 2022-2023 edition of Cambridge Road 在这里.
        • TV 新闻
      • Special Interests

        • American Sign Language Club
        • Bacon Club
        • BI Dungeoneers Club
        • Book Club
        • Bowling Club
        • Cardinal Crazies
        • Chess Club
        • Economics Club
        • FIDM Fashion Club
        • Film Club
        • Frisbee Club
        • Harry Potter Club
        • It’s Academic
        • Knotty Knitters
        • K-Pop Club
        • Latin Club
        • Marvel Club
        • Morgan’s Message
        • Movie Appreciation Club
        • National Security Interest Club
        • Obscure Sports Club
        • One Love Ireton
        • Ping Pong Club
        • Procrastination Club
        • Psychology Club
        • Puzzle Club
        • Space Club
        • Taylor Swift Club
        • Undead Poets Society
        • Video Game Club
        • Wellness Club
      • Spiritual & Service

        • Be The Good Club
        • Best Buddies
        • Beta Club
        • BI On My Team 16
        • Catholic Witness/Pro-Life Club
        • Charity Through Medicine
        • Elder Outreach
        • Haitian Alliance Club
        • Red Cross Club
        • Thirst Project Club
      • 阀杆

        • Coding Club
        • Cyberstart
        • Girls Who Code
        • Maker Club
        • Robotics Club

      List of 4 frequently asked questions.

      • Q. How do I join a club?

        We hold a club fair in the beginning of the school year so all of our students can see the wide array of clubs offered and sign up. Students can join clubs at any time throughout the year, just listen to the announcement and check the display boards for information.
      • Q. How can I start a new club?

        If t在这里 is a club you want that doesn’t currently exist, all you have to do is find a teacher moderator, find other people who are interested, and fill out a New Club Registration form 与奥. 奥基夫. It’s that easy! 
      • Q. How do I get involved in community service?

        Many of our clubs are service organizations who serve the greater school community. You can get involved with those or any of the opportunities provided by the Student Life or Campus Ministry offices.
      • Q. How can I join the Student Council Association

        Student Council Association (SCA) helps plan and run many of the student events that take place during the school year. The elections are held in the Fall for freshmen, and in the Spring for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Pay attention to the announcements and the display boards for important due dates.